Navigating the New Zealand Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV): Latest Updates and Expert Insights from Aspiring Immigration Services


Welcome to Aspiring Immigration Services Limited's latest blog post. I’m Tatiana Elvery, your trusted guide in New Zealand immigration advice. Today, I bring you the latest developments and critical insights into the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) in New Zealand.


Understanding the AEWV:

The AEWV is New Zealand's main temporary work visa, designed to prioritize New Zealanders for jobs while facilitating the hiring of skilled migrants in areas with genuine shortages. It also aims to prevent migrant exploitation.

Application Process:

Applications are processed via Immigration Online, with checks (medical, character, police) before an immigration officer’s review.

Key Statistics:

  • Accreditation applications started: 23 May 2022

  • Job check applications: 20 June 2022

  • Work visa applications: 4 July 2022

  • Approved AEWV applications as of 4 December 2023: 30,667

  • Accredited employers: 21,568

Recent AEWV Changes:

On 27 November 2023, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) announced significant changes to the AEWV, affecting both migrant workers and employers. Let’s explore what these changes entail:

 Maximum Continuous Stay Extended:

  • The maximum continuous stay under AEWV has been increased to five years for those earning at or above the median wage, or the level 4 pay rate in the care workforce sector.

  • After reaching this maximum, holders typically must leave New Zealand for 12 months before eligibility for a new AEWV.

  • Migrant workers and employers should seek immigration advice for potential alternative visa options to avoid disrupting employment.

 Increased Visa Length:

  • The AEWV maximum length is now up to five years for individuals earning the median wage and up to three years for those in the care workforce sector.

  • Existing AEWV holders may apply for a visa extension to benefit from this increased duration.

  • Accredited Employers should consider assisting employees in applying for their AEWV balance, especially in sectors like care workforce experiencing staff shortages.


Application Timelines and 90-Day Trial Periods:

  • INZ will prioritize processing balance applications when the current AEWV is nearing expiry (within nine months).

  • Interim visas may be issued if the current AEWV expires before the balance application is completed.

  • New legislation from 11 December 2023 extends 90-day trial periods to all employers, but this does not apply to AEWV holders or accredited employers.

  • Accredited employers cannot use 90-day trial periods, and inclusion in employment agreements may risk accreditation revocation.


The Accreditation Journey:

Employers must undergo accreditation, advertise roles, and apply for a Job Check. Post-accreditation checks are conducted to maintain system integrity.

Obligations and Compliance:

Non-compliance can lead to penalties. Investigations and actions are ongoing to ensure adherence to standards.

AEWV Replacing Essential Skills Work Visa:

The AEWV supersedes the Essential Skills work visa, enhancing employer checks for the protection of migrant workers.

Ensuring Fair Treatment:

The majority of employers comply, treating their migrant workers well. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) monitors and acts on concerns.

Job Change Process for AEWV Holders:

AEWV holders can vary their employer, job, or location under the Job Change application process, providing greater certainty.

AEWV Processing Times:

Due to increased verification, processing times have extended. Employers should plan for at least 6 weeks for accreditation and Job Check applications.

Independent Review of AEWV:

An independent review, announced in August 2023, is evaluating the accreditation and job check processes.


Aspiring Immigration Services Limited remains dedicated to providing up-to-date, comprehensive advice on New Zealand’s immigration policies, including the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV). Contact us for personalized guidance and support in your immigration journey.


Significant Changes Coming to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)